Sovereignty Psychology offers Australia-wide Christian psychological services via telehealth.
We also offer face-to-face psychological services at our Hoppers Crossing clinic, which is located in the Wyndham region of western Melbourne. We are a short drive from Werribee, Tarneit, Point Cook, Wyndham Vale, Seabrook, Altona Medows, Altona, Truganina, and Laverton.
Sessions are by appointment only (We aim to make the first appointment within a week)
Current Sovereignty Clients
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Please contact one of the following if you are in need of urgent support:
Lifeline - 13 11 14,
Suicide call back service - 1300 659 467,
Beyond Blue - 1300 22 46 36,
MensLine Australia - 1300 78 99 78,
Chaplaincy Australia - 1800Chaplain (1800 24 27 52),
Careline Connections - 03 9070 6134,
Please call 000 in an emergency